Memorial Hall
Continuing into the lobby through the newly accessible mahogany doors is the Memorial Hall. The original maple flooring has been refurnished and replaced where needed. Lining the walls is the original seating and the pendant lights still hang from the ceiling. The walls have their original cast plaster ornamentation. The ceiling, at 20-feet high, has had its finishes replaced with new acoustical panels installed. The original ornamental crown molding and painting were painstakingly brought back with care for historical accuracy by Spectra Company, a subcontractor for Adams Commercial General Contracting, Inc. (ACGC). A lift has been installed to provide ADA access to the stage. Future plans include media equipment and a sound system to be installed in the Hall for conferences.
Memorial Hall
Hall Information
Capacity: 225 people
Area: 3000 S.F.
Restored Original Seating
Restored Light Fixtures
Stage at North Wall
ADA Access to Stage
20-foot ceilings
New Acoustical Panels
Tables and chairs may be included with rental upon request